Smart Marketing Idea 6: Market to your existing customers
12th July 2016
Our recently published white paper: 7 Smart Ideas to Market your SaaS Business contains leading edge information on how to market your SaaS business. Here we look at one of the ideas:
Smart Idea 6: Market to your existing customers
Your existing customers will come up for renewal once their subscription expires or can cancel at any time if they’re on a monthly contract. That means that they are also prospective customers, so treat them as such.
The good news is that retention is more cost-effective than acquisition, so this technique can return an investment quicker than new business pursuits. Your job is to maintain their satisfaction and upsell where possible; the ultimate measure of great marketing to existing customers is when they don’t bother looking at what your competitors offer…
Get them on-board painlessly, engage them in a community, keep them informed of product
enhancements and help them maximise the value from the solution.
At a minimum you should send them a monthly newsletter; that can just be a round-up of previous blogs, and potentially customer testimonials and case studies if available. Where we’ve had clients that sell into large multi-dimensional companies we’ve written them internal case studies they can use to upsell to other divisions and regions.
Where possible, however, you should look to personalise content around your clients’ key business challenges, and their point in the technology renewal cycle.
Do you want more smart ideas? Simply click here to download our free guide.